No matter what you choose to do, the beautiful Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area is a wonderful place to enjoy the day or savor a more extended stay....more
Oregon's Parks
• 152 State Parks
• 7 State Forests
• 6 State Fish Hatcherys
• 2 State Natural Areas
• State Nursery
• 3 National Parks
• 15 National Forests
• National Memorial
• National Historic Site
• 2 National Monuments
• 16 National Wildlife Refuges
• 2 National Recreation Areas
• 3 National Recreation Trails
• Metro and City Parks
indicates parks that show reservation availability
NO ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION RULES. FAMILY CAM - Parents walk around drinking beer and getting hammered while their kids take off and run around the camp screaming. This might be the atmosphere some people look for, but not me. I asked the Ranger stationed there about the drinking and she said It is allowed to carry alcohol around the campgrounds and drink. If they get aggressive you have the right to stand your ground in your campsite. I asked her what that meant and at first she shrugged as if to suggest it was something she could not directly tell me to do then back tracked and said call the police department. I have worked as a caregiver and dsp for 20 years I wont bring people back to a camp with an open bar/daycare atmosphere. It is sad to see our state campgrounds turn in to glamper keg parties.
Tumalt Creek - Difficult bush wack as the creek disappears about a half mile from the old highway, but is quite broad up higher. I went to the 2,400 and about 3 miles up the creek to the final right spork in the creek
Auto - Drivers should be aware that curving road up Pilot Butte cone can be vertigo inducing. Drivers with vertigo or height or anxiety issues should beware.
Wonderful summit view of beautiful part of beautiful state.
My Favorite Oregon Ocean Park - Ona Beach State Park is a small but brilliant jewel in the crown of Oregon oceanside parks. There are picnic tables and grills, a restroom, paved walkways, and a bridge over a river that runs through. The beach is low access. There is great beachcombing treasures and interesting geological landscapes. Take the kids, grandma, and your leashed pups for a fun day at the beach.
Great fishing and camping - Camp Grounds well maintained. Fishing was great for cat fish and Crappie. Need to be careful of the snakes and pay attention. Fishing good from the bank and great from a boat.
Do Not stay in Teepee - We had a rattlesnake crawl into the we were staying in and curl up next to the twin mattress. The Teepees are not secured at the bottom. We had lizards and snakes in our Teepee. Not worth the cost. Ranger still has not called us back about the rattlesnake. We elected to get a hotel instead.