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Colorado State Parks

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Pike National Forest © Barbara Schultheis
Rocky Mountain National Park © Annick Desjardins
Pike National Forest © Barbara Schultheis
Mesa Verde National Park Cliff Palace, Mesa Verde © Annick Desjardins
Rocky Mountain National Park Dream Lake © Annick Desjardins
Colorado State Forest River Moss © Oletha Henderson
River Bank at Lair O Bear Park near Kittredge, CO August 2011
Rocky Mountain National Park Moraine Campground © Annick Desjardins
Campfire and Hotdogs ©
Roasting hot dogs over an open fire.
Afternoon Hike ©
Picnic Table ©
It is always a great day for a picnic in the park.
Small Boy Fishing ©
Gone fishin.
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Colorado's Parks
 • 32 State Parks
 • 2 State Forests
 • State Fish Hatchery

 • 5 State Wildlife Areas
 • 4 National Parks
 • 12 National Forests

 • National Historic Landmark
 • National Historic Site
 • 3 National Monuments

 • 5 National Wildlife Refuges
 • 2 National Recreation Areas

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Colorado Parks Visitor Reviews
6/20/2023 6:00:51 PM San Isabel National Forest by Delbert_B
review rating - 1 to 5 stars Absolutely Beautiful - I just visited there this month for vacation and found this place by accident actually. Me and my brother were driving around and found ourselves right in the middle of it. It was an amazing trip. The scenery is beautiful and a great view of the valley and Pikes Peak from the road in.
10/6/2022 5:02:52 PM Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park by isaiah
review rating - 1 to 5 stars Regarding campsites affected by fire - I was there on September 3, and the campsites were fine. The fire is well to the south.
5/7/2020 7:17:05 AM Beaver Creek State Wildlife Area by Rebecca D Oliver
review rating - 1 to 5 stars Hiking with Permit only - Beginning July 2020, Colorado Parks and Wildlife require hikers to obtain fishing or hunting license plus a habitat stamp to enter State Wildlife Areas
7/23/2017 5:47:35 AM San Isabel National Forest
review rating - 1 to 5 stars RUDE CAMP HOST - WE HAVE CAMPED AT turquoise Lake {Molly Brown] for years Never have we met such a rude camp host. Every camp site had a story. it was almost funny watching each new family arrive seeing him track them down. threatened a 79 year old woman for tuning the wrong way on the road even though she pulled over right away. Threatened to make her leave the park, left her in tears. maybe the roads need better markings, watched him chase many cars for the same offense. when someone had a hammock on tree, he stopped, didnt say a word handed them a paper told them to read the highlighted section.. previous camp host always made us feel welcome, would stop by to talk
10/12/2015 10:51:32 AM Colorado State Fish Hatchery by Jerry
review rating - 1 to 5 stars Do not pass up leadville - If you are traveling with family do not pass up the Leadville Fish hatchery your kids will love it. Beautiful setting will not be disappointed 2 miles off road is not that far
8/30/2015 12:14:31 AM Hot Sulphur State Wildlife Area by Mike
review rating - 1 to 5 stars Campsites Affected By Fire? - Does anyone know if the campsites in this area were affected by last weeks fire? I really hope not.
7/19/2015 9:43:50 PM Grand Mesa National Forest
review rating - 1 to 5 stars - When I was a small boy my Father took me there to go fishing. What a real memory that is. I think of often.
12/26/2014 4:41:57 PM Eldorado Canyon State Park by
review rating - 1 to 5 stars A Long Marriage - My husband and I got married 33 years ago and had our reception at the Eldorado Building. It was so beautiful. we stopped by today and saw it was still in use. It brought back alot of memories,
8/19/2014 12:52:31 PM Rio Grande National Forest by Randy Gerken
review rating - 1 to 5 stars dirt bikers on colorado trail - This Sunday I encountered two separate groups of riders on dirt bikes on the section of the Colorado trail that runs up the valley by Pole Creek. Closed to motorcylcles I thought. Tire tracks suggested other riders had used this section recently.
5/31/2014 8:43:55 PM Roosevelt National Forest by RTV
review rating - 1 to 5 stars Old Flowers Road - Why is this road listed as open to the public? It was burned off in the High Park Fire and was flooded in 2013 and is not passable by any type of vehicle.
6/3/2013 10:43:41 AM Billy Creek State Wildlife Area by yetta
review rating - 1 to 5 stars saw larg cinnamon bear and was very fun - looking for information on grave found for Martha Marlow 1823 died 1907
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Colorado State Parks