For a great outdoors experience, visit Smoky Mountains National Park. Besides the awesome panorama of scenic wonders, there are a wide variety of activities available within the park?s boundaries for both adults...more
North Carolina's Parks
• 37 State Parks
• State Recreation Area
• 3 State Forests
• State Fish Hatchery
• 4 National Parks
• 4 National Forests
• National Memorial
• 2 National Historic Sites
• 8 National Wildlife Refuges
• 2 National Seashores
• Army Corps of Engineers
indicates parks that show reservation availability
- I enjoyed my time there caught site of the perseids meteor shower. I stayed at campsite 15 which was beautiful but 1/2 the site was a swamp due to the amount of rain this month.I just would have liked to have been notified about my site.
Did three trails in Stone Mountain - I did the Stone Mountain loop trail with video, Hutchinson Homestead You can see it from the first video, and Widow Creek Falls you can see from my playlist.
Love the cycling paths at the park - I am wondering when the cycling paths in the Flanners Beach Recreational Area will re-open. We know damage along the southern shores of the Neuse River was incurred during hurricane Florence September 2018, and many trees and such probably were downed from that storm. The Pinecliff Area of Croatan suffered damage along its shoreline from this storm. I know it will take sometime to rebuild these parts of the recreation areas in the National Forest. Many local off road cycling enthusiasts have enjoyed Croatans cycling trails for years. All of us are wondering when the Flanners Beach Trails will re-open. I would appreciate any information in this regard which you can give me.
A favorite park of mine since I was 14 - If you like wetlands than this is a paradise!
so many different birds to observe and enjoy!
I did notice a large colony of Nutria the last time I was there in Oct 2014. Makes me worry that the little strip of asphalt will be further compromised by their tunneling. If you can send me any info on this I would be very interested.
When In Ashe County.. - Views from Mt Jefferson are breathtaking - even when one is half-way up and it starts to snow. This is a must for us when we visit Ashe County .. sometimes we meet no one - but recently [Oct 2015] we met several wonderful souls - enjoying the mountain air and the views!
Eats - The hush puppys at the restaurant across from the hotel and boat launch are awesome. They have got to be the best downeast has to offer. Perfect in every way !
Lost Dog at Uwharrie National Forest - Reward if found:
Wonderful area for mountain biking - Few places around match this place for beauty and the Jones Lake Bay Trail is great for mountain biking (cycling). Friendly staff. Love it.
The bear truth. - We arrived at our campsite and began to set things up. An hour later a black bear came out the woods by our campsite. It was a memorable trip.