
Indiana State Parks

USA Parks
Southern Region
Jackson-Washington State Forest
Jackson-Washington State Forest Sign © Michael E. Ruby
Entrance sigh
Park Visitor: Comments, Memories and Reviews
August 1 Large bugs everywhere by R Smith
It is August 1st, 2019. Drove 3 hours to Jackson-Washington State Forest today to camp for the night. When we got there, it was big bugs swarming everywhere we went. About an inch long with brownish yellow and white bodies. I mean they were everywhere. Got out of the truck and got pelted with them. Turned around and came back home. We have been camping before there and have never seen anything like that, but it may be the last time we go.
February 13 memories by morgan frazier
My family used to go camping here every summer. My dad would take us fishing and mom would cook. some if my fondest memories of my dad were made here.
October 29 Excellent Forest by Forest Hiker
This is an excellent actively managed State Forest. They provide recreation and sustainable timber harvesting at the same time.
July 12 Great place!
Excellent park, if you want to picnic get the Skyline shelter house, it has amazing views!
May 6 as good as it gets anywhere I have been by Russell Brewer
I visited the Skyline Shelterhouse on July 19, 2009. I was in Brownstown visiting my grandkids and we went to the Park for a picnic. The view from up there was AMAZING! The roads in and out are very interesting to say the least.
September 4 A Family Tradition by Mark McCauley
This is one of our favorite places to go in the fall, and it has become quite a family tradition. We have been making this same trip for the past 20 years, and plan to keep doing so as long as we can. We typically visit around the middle of October, and take the route south of Indianapolis (I-65), to Seymour, and then west on Highway 50 to Brownstown. We always visit the Russell Stover outlet in Seymour (formerly in Brownstown), and then travel on to Brownstown. If you happen to be in Brownstown during normal work week hours, there is a Marian Kay Spice factory that might be a good place to visit (however we have never been there). Skyline Drive is probably our most loved site on the park property, but we also always drive down to Starve Hollow Lake and Knob Lake. There is a persimmon tree that grows next to Knob Lake, which we always have to collect a few specimens from each year. There is also a farm market we visit along what I think is called Lake Road. We usually have a picnic lunch in the shelter house on Skyline Drive, climb the fire tower, and then head back into Brownstown. Heading west on Highway 50, we drive the short distance to Highway 135, and then turn north to start the very scenic (and very winding) road to Nashville in Brown County. Along the route we pass through a very quaint little village called Story. There is an Inn/Restaurant there if you have the time, and a lot of spooky tales about the place (e.g. the Blue Lady). We end up in Nashville usually around sunset and walk the streets enjoying the sites, sounds and smells until the shops close. As I said before, this is our annual fall family tradition, and many precious memories have been made with our kids throughout the past 20 years. We have seen the Jackson-Washington Park property under all kinds of circumstances, and always find it worth while. As our kids are growing up and getting closer to starting their own families, we know they too will make this a tradition of their own families, as it has became such a special part of their own childhood memories. Thank you for all the work you do in keeping this property a place where families such as mine can continue to visit and enjoy for many years to come.
Reviews by Park Visitors


Indiana State Parks