This National Natural Landmark is composed of 250 acres of old-growth hemlock, white pine, pitch pine and hardwoods within the larger 500-acre natural area. These 250 acres constitute a picturesque remnant of the original stream bottom forest along Swift Run. The hiking trail follows the grade up Swift Run through a steep hollow lined by truly virgin white pine and eastern hemlocks. Some of these trees are over 150 feet high and over 40 inches DBH. One downed tree along the trail counts 347 rings. After hiking through this section, you can continue through "Tall Timbers", a bordering old second-growth forest, and turn left or south on Middleswarth Tower Trail to climb to the top of Tick Mountain, a total distance of 1.6 miles.
This area was passed up by early loggers since it would have been difficult to move the felled giants to the tram road which ended near the Rock Springs picnic area, about one-half mile below the park.