Friend of Stateparks Photo Gallery
Photographer: BILL HUNTER
Copyright Notice: Copyright (c) 2007 William K. Hunter II. All rights reserved.
Kite Flying
A young man enjoying the ocean breeze
Indian River Inlet
View of the Indian River Inlet
Kite Flying
A nice breeze off the Indian River Inlet for our campers
Sea Gull
Sea Gull taking a break on a hot summer day
Sunbathing and Swimming
Weekday at the beach at the mouth of the Indian River Inlet and the Atlantic Ocean
Little Fisherman
Childern learning the art of fishing
The Sun coming up over the Atlantic Ocean at Delaware Seashore State Park
Diamondback Terrapin
Diamondback Terrapin laying eggs
Bald Eagle
Bald Eagle landing in tree
Double-Crested Cormorant
Double-Crested Cormorant having lunch
Bald Eagle
Immature Bald Eagle perched on a limb 50 feet away from me.
Endangered Delmarva Fox Squirrel
About 200 yards from the Endangered Squirrel sign, I spotted this Delmarva Fox squirrel.
Great Blue Heron
Blue Heron on the shore line in search for food
Bald Eagle
Immature Bald Eagle perched on limb
Osprey building nest
Osprey flying to its nest
Osprey taking off in flight.
Bald Eagle
Bald Eagle back to its perch to enjoy its meal.
Bald Eagle
Bald Eagle is under way to enjoy its catch.
Bald Eagle
Bald Eagle gets control of the fish in its talons.
Bald Eagle
Bald Eagle catches fish in the Chester River.
Turkey Vulture
Turkey Vulture perched on a low to the ground dead tree.
Red Fox
Red Fox standing guard over pup
Bald Eagle
Bald Eagle perched on a limb
Bald Eagle
Bald Eagle spots fish in the Chester River.
Hundred's of Butterflies are feeding in the butterfly garden
Bald Eagle
Bald Eagle looking for fish in the Chester River.
Bald Eagle
Bald Eagle perched on a limb
Groundhog just outside of its burrow.
Mallard Duck
Mallard Duck resting alone side of pond.
Beaver swimming alone water way next to dirt road.
Osprey in flight with its meal to go.
Bald Eagle
Immature Bald Eagle in flight
Snapping Turtle
Snapping Turtle sun bathing with Painted Turtle looking on from the water
Red-Headed Woodpecker
Besides the battlefield, monuments memorials Gettysburg is a great place
for the remarkable wildlife
Gettysburg Sunset
Gettysburg Sunset
American Kestrel
Besides the battlefield, monuments memorials Gettysburg is a great place
for the remarkable wildlife
The New Battlefield
The battlefield from a new look
Pennsylvania Monument
The Pennsylvania Monument at Gettysburg
Birds Nest
This Civil War cannon is now used by this bird and its family as a nest.
Red Fox
Besides the battlefield, monuments memorials Gettysburg is a great place
for the remarkable wildlife
Civil War Cannon
Civil War battlefield Cannon
Black Bear
Black Bear in Elkwallow pinic area searching for food
Eastern Chipmunk
This Chipmunk appear on the edge of the stone guard rail around mile marker 85
White-Tailed Deer
This Buck was feeding along side the road in Big Meadows pinic/camping area
White-Tailed Deer
This Buck was feeding along side the road in Big Meadows pinic/camping area
Black Bear
Black Bear in Elkwallow pinic area, searching for food
Ruffed Grouse
Ruffed Grouse feeding along side of Skyline Drive
Striped Skunk
This Striped Skunk was along side of Skyline Drive searching for food in the leaves.
Striped Skunk
This Striped Skunk was along side of Skyline Drive searching for food in the leaves.
Virginia Opossum
I came across this possum in March feeding alone side of Skyline Drive
Timber Rattlesnake
Timber Rattlesnake in a defensive state on Skyline Drive
Box Turtle
Box Turtle crossing Skyline Drive
Shenandoah Valley Landscape
View from the Shenandoah National Park of the fog in the valley
Black Bear
Black Bear in Elkwallow pinic area, searching for food
Sand Crab
The children were giving this little guy a run for his life
Sand Crab
This Crab came in with tide and went out with the tide
Chincoteague Ponies
Wild Chincoteague ponies grazing on the marsh grasses
Chincoteague Ponies
Wild Chincoteague ponies grazing on the marsh grasses