Second submission due to email address typo.
I grew up in Erie, and I am now living in Denver Colorado. But I still call Erie home. Just before asking my wife to marry me, I knew I had to bring her home to meet the family and visit the peninsula where I spent many summer days. I have great memories of family reunions, picnics, as a teen I?d, bring dates to ?Eddie?s Hideaway? (actually a few spots along the peninsula). It was almost as if that piece of land would talk to me. Being a nature lover I realized that this awesome stretch of land and water did? sort or talk to me. The peninsula knew that dates of my youth were not the right ones. I remember sitting watching the water, sand, people, sunsets, and pondering the day that I?d be able to bring the true woman who?d steal my heart back here one day. All the times that I would sit and reflect on life and the peace of this bit of land and water, one woman of my dreams became true as she and I visited early in our relationship and then again with our son who experienced his very first joy of playing in waves as they crashed around is little legs. Paula (my wife) loves Erie and the peninsula as much as I do. I hope it is open and free to us for many more years and I hope our son will be able to bring his kids to that same beach where he first experience waves, beaches and fun in the waters of Lake Erie.