June 19 Beautiful park, but obnoxious generators by Fred J

Very nice and private camping spots.
But we had a neighbor who ran his noisy generator the whole day starting a 8:00 AM. This completely ruined our wilderness experience.
Could I recommend two things:
1. The rangers should run a noise test on generators before they come into the campground. Note that portable noise testers starts at $130.00... Forbid entry to anyone not meeting National Park Service (NPS) noise levels. These levels are 60 db at 50 feet( per 36CFR2.12)
2. Have a separate camping area for people who insist using generators. It works very well at Bryce Canyon National Park in Utah! So there are precedents! It can be done.
I hope that something is done before very ugly confrontations arise...
April 21 Our go to park by Morgan

My husband and I absolutely LOVE the park. Great camping, fabulous trails, and breathtaking views!! We take our three children and they have a blast every time! As for the air traffic... GO NAVY!!! There only doing there job = )
October 28 absolutely gorgeous by parker

Stunning views from all over the park. It is even beautiful if cloudy. Highly recommended.
September 1 by kenneth kurtz

I like the fishing and the trails.
July 30 Been going there for 45 years!

Obviously love it. The air traffic is there because we are a country at war! Cheers to the noise!!! Fabulous family camping tradition!!!
August 30 Loud- constant air traffic

Right next to a Naval air base. Near constant noise from jets taking off and landing.
June 13 Beautiful Park by Flyfree

One of the nicest,cleanest, and lots of things to do!!!